Bae Ji-hwan's exhibition game of 0.615 → 0.381 ended, and competitor Swinsky hit hard

Bae Ji-hwan's exhibition game of 0.615 → 0.381 ended, and competitor Swinsky hit hard

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Bae Ji-hwan (25, Pittsburgh Pirates), who is trying to join the opening entry of the U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB), ended up with a moot in the final exhibition game.

Bae Ji-hwan started as the ninth batter center fielder in the away game against the Minnesota Twins in the 2025 MLB exhibition game held at the Fort Myers Rehealth Sports Complex in Florida on the 25th (Korea Standard Time) and scored no hits, one walk, and one point in two at-bats.

Bae finished the exhibition game with a batting average of 0.381 (16 hits in 42 at-bats), one homer, four RBIs, 13 runs and three steals. His on-base plus slugging percentage (OPS) is 1.017.

Despite his good performance, he cannot guarantee his entry into the big league 토토사이트. Zack Swinsky who is competing for the backup spot in the outfield also left a strong impression by posting a batting average of 0.375 (15 hits in 40 at-bats), one homer, nine RBIs, four steals, and OPS of 1.022. Bae had a batting average of 0.615 until the seventh game of the exhibition game. Despite limited chances, he maintained his batting average in the 400s recently, but had no hit in the 300s for the last three consecutive games.

With no runners on base with one out in the third inning, Bae drew a walk to the opponent team's starting pitcher Bailey Ober, and made two wild pitches to reach the third base. Bae hit home when Brian Reynolds hit a timely hit to the right after two outs. Bae struck out and grounded out twice, and Bae was replaced in the bottom of the eighth inning.

Pittsburgh lost to Minnesota 1-5, ending the exhibition game with a 14-15 record.

Pittsburgh will play the opening game of the MLB regular season against the Miami Marlins at Rondipo Park in Miami, Florida on the 28th.

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